53 Brockenhurst Gardens, Mill Hill, London NW7 2JY

Dental Bridges in Mill Hill

Maintain your beautiful smile

If you require a more extensive restoration than a crown or have more than one tooth that needs to be repaired, a good solution is a bridge.

Bridges in Mill Hill

Here is how they work:

  • Bridges are usually made of a precious metal base, which gives them a solid structure and makes them hard-wearing. If you need a bridge in your smile line, porcelain is usually added to the base to make it look more like real teeth.
  • A bridge helps to strengthen the prepared teeth and makes chewing and eating easier because they are fixed and can’t come out.
  • Some bridges can also be fixed to your jaw with dental implants, if you have several teeth next to each other that are missing.

Once you have a bridge fitted, you will have to take extra care during your daily hygiene regime to ensure it stays plaque free and does not cause bad breath.

Life Benefits

  1. A sturdy way to restore several teeth in a row.
  2. Beautiful, natural-looking restoration.
  3. Restores the ability to chew and eat as before.

Get in touch

Please complete the form below to send us a message, book a free consultation or book/change an appointment.

Email: ecladent@live.com

Phone: 0208 959 9392

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