53 Brockenhurst Gardens, Mill Hill, London NW7 2JY

Emergency Dental Care in Mill Hill

Maintain your beautiful smile

If you have chipped or broken a tooth as a result of an accident or injury, it is very important that you see a dentist as soon as possible. The same goes for one or more knocked out teeth. The sooner you are seen by a dental professional the better the chances that the teeth could be re-implanted, depending on the severity of your injury.

Emergency Dental Care in Mill Hill

Here are some of the steps an emergency dental appointment will cover:

  • A thorough examination of the injured area will be undertaken. This may include dental x-rays to determine the extent of the damage.
  • Depending on the severity of the pain, the area will be numbed with local anaesthetic.
  • The injured area will be sterilised to reduce the risk of infection.
  • The damaged teeth will be restored temporarily or permanently, depending on the case.
  • In severe cases the affected tooth may require extraction and implant treatment will be discussed.

If you require emergency dental treatment, you should ask to see a dentist as soon as possible. At our practice we offer appointments for all dental emergencies from toothache to lost or broken crowns, chipped teeth and fillings to abscesses, trauma, avulsed teeth and facial swelling. We can take care of your injuries to ensure you heal quicker and more effectively, ensuring that you avoid additional dental problems and complications in the future.

Life Benefits

  1. Preservation of remaining tooth structure.
  2. Reduced risk of infection.
  3. Improved long-term oral health overall.

Reviews from Our Emergency Dental Care Patients in Mill Hill

Ecladent Clinics Ltd £ 53 Brockenhurst Gardens, Mill Hill, London NW7 2JY 0208 959 9392 Ecladent Clinics Ltd

” I am so happy, I made the best decision in my life, having my 8 implants at Ecladent. It’s already been almost 9 years. They are the best Dentist, it changed my life and I can eat and enjoy my life. “

Ecladent Clinics Ltd £ 53 Brockenhurst Gardens, Mill Hill, London NW7 2JY 0208 959 9392 Ecladent Clinics Ltd

” I would highly recommend Ecladent for all procedures!

It is Highly professional, very clean, welcoming and friendly and Sam will do everything she can to help with any problems you may have! “

Ecladent Clinics Ltd £ 53 Brockenhurst Gardens, Mill Hill, London NW7 2JY 0208 959 9392 Ecladent Clinics Ltd

” Just finished the 6 months Invisalign clear braces treatment. They were costly and involved a lot of commitment, but the results are great. Dr Sam was very professional, kind and knowledgeable. Excellent service and highly recommended. I am happy with my smile 🙂 “

Get in touch

Please complete the form below to send us a message, book a free consultation or book/change an appointment.

Email: ecladent@live.com

Phone: 0208 959 9392

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